Welcome to the Wonderland Loft Ultimate List of Blog Post Ideas. This post outlines just about anything I can think of that I feel would make a good blog post. Think of it sort of like a brainstorming session. This is me throwing out some ideas. Feel free build on any of them! Let us know in the comments if an idea sparked your creativity. Don’t forget to leave a link to your post!

Last update: September 06, 2016

85 total ideas in 12 categories

I update this post periodically as I come up with more ideas.

Special note: You can swap out “favorite” here to write about things that are your least favorites instead. Be honest! We wanna know how you feel.

[bctt tweet=”Having trouble deciding what to blog about next?” username=”wonderlandloft”]


  1. Showcase your art
  2. Your favorite artist(s)
  3. List posts of your current favorite pieces
  4. Interviews with artists
  5. Tell us about your local art scene


  1. Favorite cosmetic brands
  2. Favorite skin care products
  3. Favorite foundation
  4. Favorite moisturizer
  5. DIY beauty tip – mix up your own shampoo, conditioner, or face mask? Maybe you have a good moisturizing tip that might sound strange otherwise
  6. Hair care tips
  7. Hair tutorials
  8. Makeup tutorials
  9. Makeup tips


  1. How to start blogging
  2. How to use WordPress
  3. How to use Blogger
  4. How to use SquareSpace
  5. How to use Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook effectively
  6. Where to find graphic resources
  7. How to monetize your blog
  8. Income reports
  9. Best blogs or blog posts for new bloggers
  10. How to use scheduling tools like BoardBooster, HootSuite, Buffer, etc.
  11. What tools and plugins do you use on your blog?
  12. How to start with affiliate marketing
  13. SEO tips
  14. Tell us about how you started blogging


  1. Favorite resources
  2. Where to find stock photos
  3. Graphic tutorials
  4. DIY projects
  5. Favorite fonts
  6. Where to find fonts
  7. What tools you use
  8. What services you use

Health & Fitness

  1. Favorite recipes
  2. Ingredient alternatives (coconut or almond flour recipes, carob instead of chocolate, etc)
  3. Workout motivation
  4. Exercise instructional graphics or videos
  5. Before and after photos


  1. Favorite outfit
  2. Favorite shoes
  3. Favorite handbags
  4. How to layer (someone teach me, please!)
  5. Seasonal staples
  6. Current sales
  7. What’s in your closet?
  8. Closet clean outs (what are you donating? what are you keeping?)
  9. Sell your well loved, gently used clothing that you no longer want
  10. Capsule wardrobing

[bctt tweet=”Check out this ultimate list of ideas for your next blog post.” username=”wonderlandloft”]


  1. Favorite restaurants
  2. Favorite dishes at one of your favorite restaurants
  3. Favorite recipes
  4. Cooking/baking experiments
  5. Beautiful or interesting plating


  1. Tell us about yourself
  2. What have you done this week? What about something unrelated to your normal blogging?
  3. Share something from behind the scenes of a video or post
  4. What are some of your other hobbies?
  5. Share a playlist
  6. Do you run other websites?
  7. Share about someone special in your life; an SO, a best friends, your siblings or kids


  1. Critiques
  2. Favorite movies
  3. Create a must-see list
  4. Discuss trailers
  5. Your most anticipated new releases


  1. Share a playlist
  2. All time favorite songs
  3. Favorite artist/band/group
  4. Concert and festival coverage
  5. Share your own music
  6. Teach music theory or how to use music software


  1. Shopping hauls!
  2. Wishlists
  3. Favorite stores
  4. Favorite brands
  5. Newly discovered brands
  6. Favorite etsy shops

Weekly Posts (random categories)

  1. Favorite items you wore this week
  2. Favorite episodes of shows
  3. Favorite things you ate
  4. Create a weekly challenge for yourself and/or readers and check in every week
  5. Favorite song(s) of the week

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The ultimate list of ideas for your next blog post

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